Tuesday, August 25, 2020
MEKANISME HEMOSTASIS Urutan mekanisme hemostasis dan koagulasi dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1. Segera setelah pembuluh darah terpotong atau pecah, rangsangan dari pembuluh darah yang rusak itu menyebabkan dinding pembuluh berkontraksi sehingga dengan segera aliran darah dari pembuluh darah yang pecah akan berkurang (terjadi vasokontriksi). 2. Setelah itu, akan diikuti oleh adhesi trombosit, yaitu penempelan trombosit pada kolagen. ADP (adenosin difosfat) kemudian dilepaskan oleh trombosit kemudian ditambah dengan tromboksan A2 menyebabkan terjadinya agregasi (penempelan trombosit satu sama lain). Expositions aktivasi trombosit ini terus terjadi sampai terbentuk sumbat trombosit, disebut juga hemostasis preliminary. 3. Setelah itu dimulailah kaskade koagulasi (lihat gambar.1) yaitu hemostasis sekunder, diakhiri dengan pembentukan fibrin. Produksi fibrin dimulai dengan perubahan faktor X menjadi faktor Xa. Faktor X diaktifkan melalui dua jalur, yaitu jalur ekstrinsik dan jalur intrinsik. Jalur ekstrinsik dipicu oleh tissue factor/tromboplastin. Kompleks lipoprotein tromboplastin selanjutnya bergabung dengan faktor VII bersamaan dengan hadirnya particle kalsium yang nantinya akan mengaktifkan faktor X. Jalur intrinsik diawali oleh keluarnya plasma atau kolagen melalui pembuluh darah yang rusak dan mengenai kulit. Paparan kolagen yang rusak akan mengubah faktor XII menjadi faktor XII yang teraktivasi. Selanjutnya faktor XIIa akan bekerja secara enzimatik dan mengaktifkan faktor XI. Faktor XIa akan mengubah faktor IX menjadi faktor IXa. 4. faktor IXa akan bekerja sama dengan lipoprotein trombosit, faktor VIII, serta particle kalsium untuk mengaktifkan faktor X menjadi faktor Xa. 5. faktor Xa yang dihasilkan dua jalur berbeda itu akan memasuki jalur bersama. Faktor Xa akan berikatan dengan fosfolipid trombosit, particle kalsium, dan juga faktor V sehingga membentuk aktivator protrombin. 6. Selanjutnya senyawa itu akan mengubah protrombin menjadi trombin. Trombin selanjutnya akan mengubah fibrinogen menjadi fibrin (longgar), dan akhirnya dengan bantuan fakor VIIa dan particle kalsium, fibrin tersebut menjadi kuat. Fibrin inilah yang akan menjerat sumbat trombosit sehingga menjadi kuat. 7. Selanjutnya apabila sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi, bekuan darah akan dilisiskan melalui expositions fibrinolitik. Compositions ini dimulai dengan adanya proaktivator plasminogen yang kemudian dikatalis menjadi aktivator plasminogen dengan adanya enzim streptokinase, kinase jaringan, serta faktor XIIa. Selanjutnya plasminogen akan diubah menjadi plasmin dengan bantuan enzim seperti urokinase. Plasmin inilah yang akan mendegradasi fibrinogen/fibrin menjadi fibrin debasement item [pic] Gangguan hemostasis (perdarahan irregular) dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal di bawah ini: 1. Kelainan vaskuler Kelainan vaskuler adalah sekelompok kelompok keadaan heterogen, yang ditandaiu oleh mudah memar dan perdarahan spontan dari poembuluh darah kecil. Kelainan yang mendasari terletak pada pembuluh darah itu sendiri atau dalam jaringan ikat perivaskular. Pada keadaan dseperti ini, uji penyaring standart part hasil typical. Masa perdarahan ordinary, uji hemostasis lain juga typical. Kelainan vaskular ini terdapat dua jenis yakni herediter yang berupa Telangiektasia hemoragik herediter, serta kelainan jaringan ikat. Jenis yang lain adalah Defek vaskular didapat . 2. Trombositopenia Trombositopenia didefinisikan sebagai jumlah trombosit kurang dari 100.000/mm3. Biasanya ditandai dengan purpura kulit spontan, perdarahan mukosa, dan perdarahan berkepanjangan setelah injury. Beberapa penyebab trombositopenia antara lain: (1)Kegagalan produksi trombosit .Ini merupakan penyebab tersering trombositopenia yang biasanya juga merupakan bagian dari kegagalan sumsum tulang generalisata Penekanan megakarisit selektif dapat disebabkan oleh toksisitas obat atau infeksi infection. (2)Peningkatan destruksi trombosit, Hal ini dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis yakni: a.Trombositopenia imun,termasuk di dalamnya ITP, karena infeksi, purpura pascatranfusi, Trombositopenia imun karena diinduksi obat, b.Purpura trombositopenia trombotik c.Koagulasi intravaskular diseminata, (3)Distribusi trombosit unusual, (4)Kehilangan akibat dilusi, yakni berupa transfuse masif darah simpan pada pasien dengan perdarahan. 3. Gangguan koagulasi Bisa karena herediter maupun didapat, yang umumnya menggangu faktor-faktor koagulasi. a.Herediter : hemofilia A dan hemofilia B b.Didapat : defisiensi nutrient K dan penyakit hati 4.Gangguan fungsi trombosit Dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yakni: a.Didapat 1) karena obat against trombosit seperti anti-inflamatory medicine, 2).hiperglobulinemia, 3).kelainan mieloproliferatif dan mielodisplastik , serta 4)Uremia. b.Kelainan herediter 1) Trombastenia, 2)Sinsrom Bernard soulier, 3) Penyakit penyimpanan KELAINAN KOAGULASI . Hemofili A . Hemofili B . Kekurangan vit K (II,VII, IX, XI) Ganggan fungsi hati . DIC Adanya tissue factor (endotoxin, kerusakan jaringan dll) TF aktivasi koagulasi diikuti aktifasi fibrinolitik bergantian. Trombositopeni, APTT, PPT, TT memanjang, fibrinogen turun, FDP squestrasi PEMERIKSAAN LAB HEMOFILIA . Coagulating time memanjang . APTT memanjang . Kadar Faktor VII menurun pada hemophilia A dan faktor IX menurun pada hemophilia B Finding DARI HASIL LAB PADA HEMOFILIA . Coagulating time memanjang, Bleeding time ordinary . APTT memanjang, PPT typical
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American History Since 1865 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
American History Since 1865 - Essay Example It was somewhat fruitful in doing as such for certain years however the future occasions demonstrated that the settlement was a finished disappointment. The brutal terms of the settlement ingrained a craving for retribution in the hearts of Germans and advanced the ascent of Nazism which at last prompted the Second World War. 2. The essential issues of the Scope Trial were instruction and science v. religion. What were the more extensive social ramifications? What did this preliminary uncover about the American open at that point? How are these issues significant today? The Scopes preliminary basically spoke to a contention among science and religion, however it had more extensive social ramifications. It set off a discussion on social issues like radicalism, the right to speak freely of discourse and restriction. The way that Dayton got monstrous help the nation over much after he was indicted blameworthy was an unmistakable sign that the American open supported opportunity. Individ uals supported innovation and progressivism and the opportunity of decision over preservationist belief system. With respect to questionable theme, the overall population was of the conclusion it should just involve individual decision about what is correct. The Scopes preliminary occurred years back however the issue is still new in the current period. The open despite everything banters on the issue of opportunity over subjects like premature birth, gay relationships and sex training in schools. Works Cited Bailey, Thomas, Lizabeth Cohen and David M Kennedy. The American Pageant-Vol. II.
Gender Comparisons in Cognitive Abilities Essay Example for Free
Sex Comparisons in Cognitive Abilities Essay Sex contrasts are not just perceptible in physical and regenerative territories undoubtedly. These physical and conceptive contrasts are insignificant as far as the determinants of how people work the extent that different issues identifying with their cognizance are concerned (Gur et al. 1999). Sex hormones that are emitted during their advancement are liable for the distinction in mind associations of people. People have been appeared by a few examinations to adapt distinctively because of the distinction in their discernment. Kimura (2000) proposed that even at early stages, young ladies look at objects longer than young men a contention that offers reason to the way that young men have consideration issues. Their tactile frameworks show an inconsistency even at such a youthful age, something that perseveres into mature age. Notwithstanding the abovementioned, ladies will in general recollect a few things like land checks better than the men who recall headings and separation. These are the spatial prompts that the men are in an ideal situation in instead of ladies (Kimura 2000). A bunch of different contrasts have been proposed particularly in semantic, relational, intelligent and numerical, melodic, intrapersonal and phonetic among different territories. As the earth begins following up on the individual young men and young ladies after birth, they as of now have wired cerebrums that show contrasts by they way they react to the above zones that lead to the distinctions. The females and guys contrasts in their scholarly resources lie in their capacities instead of their Intelligence Quotient, which might be the equivalent in young ladies and young men, every single other factor held steady however the inspected young ladies and young men will have contrasts in their semantic and most likely their spatial capacities. Various regions of the cerebrum are appropriate for different assignments and which the guys and females have contrasting use capacities in. Spatial contrasts By and large, considers have discovered that male beat female in spatial exercises/spatial perceptions like in circumstances that require the pivot of items in a given space or in control of articles somehow or simply mental turn. They are likewise ready to exceed ladies in assignments which manage moving of their way through a labyrinth of courses however this does exclude getting a handle on of milestones for use as a memorable way their courses while ladies can review tourist spots beyond what men can. What's more, men are in an ideal situation than ladies in the precision with which they target protests either in development or in their static positions. They likewise well in disembedding shrouded objects. This reaches out to capture attempt or managing of shots and capacity to understand any developments in the field of vision. This exhibition cuts over all ages as appeared by Kaufman et. al (1999) that utilized the Weischeler Adult Intelligence Scales-Revised (WAIS-R) in deciding liquids and solidified contrasts in people. The investigation expresses that the capacity to focus on an article grows a long time before pubescence. The exhibition of people on Block Design, Digital Symbol and Information demonstrated that men beat ladies in Block Design and Information while ladies showed improvement over men in Digital Symbol. Verbal familiarity with 2003, Shaywitz et al. had the option to perceive contrasts in sexual orientation to the extent the brainââ¬â¢s language practical association is concerned. They utilized an examination called the utilitarian reverberation imaging and through this, females demonstrated a larger number of capacities in verbal familiarity than men. This incorporated their way of obtaining and longer ranges of consideration in discussion dissimilar to men who lingered behind. They likewise would in general exceed expectations in memory undertakings like familiarity with age of equivalent words and better speed of distinguishing proof of coordinating articles or things in light of the fact that their discernment abilities are better than those of their male partners (Shaywitz, B et al. (1995,). Kimura, 1996). They exhibit better review capacity connected to verbal familiarity than men notwithstanding having a higher roundabout memory. They additionally demonstrate a more noteworthy capacity to figure words that start with a specific letter beyond what the men can do. The fields of preparing, semantic and essential recollections don't anyway show any distinction in people. Men then again demonstrated better execution in semantic measures and a higher request in the solidified factor of knowledge. Because of the greater cortical space in females appointed for language and its capacities, there is less space left for the working of the spatial space which suggests that females can't be superior to men in both language and spatial capacities. Critical thinking Tasks There are contrasts in sexual orientation to the extent the brainââ¬â¢s critical thinking errands are worried as announced by Gur et al. (1999) that led different investigations and introduced test to an example of people under same condition. The outcomes were reason for the end drawn. To begin with, number juggling contrasts tests demonstrated that men are higher subjective capacities as far as arithmetic estimations and thinking than ladies. In this test, set of numerical based inquiries were posed to the chose test; men reacted more precise and brisk than ladies who showed gradualness and mistake in determined reactions. In another trial, a bit of paper was collapsed with a punched opening, and afterward the members were approached to figure out where punched gap will fall if the paper will be unfurled. Most men reacted accurately and rapidly in figuring out where the gap will fall should the paper be opened than their female partners. In addition, items and pictures were set before the member and requested to pivot questions and control the pictures. Men exceeded expectations better than ladies on this critical thinking task. Ultimately, considers show that when people are focusing on or focusing on an item, men are bound to get their objective than ladies can. This infers ladies are less precise in target-coordinated engine abilities for instance blocking shots. To attest this finding, the down to earth model that can be utilized to clarify this objective direct engine ability is by quintessence that men are acceptable at target including games like dart playing than ladies. Along these lines, critical thinking task favors men than ladies as in men perform better than ladies in spatial endeavors like undertakings that include mental pivoting objects. Enthusiastic adapting Cognitive capacities of a person to incredible expand help in procedure of adapting to pressure or melancholy. The substance that encourages association between adapting to feelings and psychological capacities is on the grounds that through utilization of insight that an individual can think, see and respond to the encompassing. In such manner, knowledge expected to adapt to feelings is characterized as intellectual capacity and substance of the idea which vary significantly in men than ladies (Shaywitz et al. 1999; Gur et al. 1999). The meta-investigations considers directed found that men are less influenced with feelings than ladies. For example, ladies were seen as influenced by maladaptive or negative considering a passionate issue than male. Men normally enjoy liquor abuse, forceful practices and savage practices. While ladies are more terrible influenced by the passionate since are typically discouraged and can create different eating and mental issue like bulimic or tension. Contrasts in exactness in manual errands Women are somewhat quicker than men in accuracy to the extent some manual undertakings like setting pegs in the openings on a given board. Combined with their capacity to review the places of articles more definitely than men, ladies show a more noteworthy probability of supplanting an item to its underlying situation with a more prominent precision than men or state whether a given item had been uprooted or not. Ladies accordingly show a superior fine engine coordination when contrasted with men The neuroanatomic distinction in guys and females has been found to add to psychological capacities particularly those that are sexual in nature. Females have XX hereditary make-up while guys have XY. These qualities assume an extraordinary job in separation and it is because of the nonattendance of the Y chromosome in females that prompts the arrival of androgens which are the male hormones. These hormones cause the female to create. A few periods when there is the arrival of sex hormones, there is an effect in the mind which prompts contrasts in insight from the periods when there is no hormonal discharge. Pre-birth improvement period has demonstrated the best degrees of hormone discharge as indicated by a few explores done (Shaywitz et. al 2003). During pubescence the degrees of the hormones do rise again and these changes proceed for the duration of oneââ¬â¢s life expectancy. Research has set up that young ladies who were presented to high testosterone levels were appeared to show more noteworthy spatial abilities when contrasted and different young ladies who had not been presented to the hormone. This shows the male hormone testosterone is liable for the spatial capacities that guys have. Guys give some greatness at critical thinking in school more than females notwithstanding working out numerous decision tests superior to females. Such assessments like SATs are acted in preferred by guys over females who, obviously well in composed and untimed tests while getting higher by and large evaluations in their tutoring years. Young ladies have likewise end up being preferable entertainers in math over guys up to secondary school level where they drop, a perspective that has been credited to the incorporation of m metal spatially situated math in which the young ladies seem, by all accounts, to be lower in execution than guys (Shaywitz, B et al. 1995). Guys are known to have a bigger cerebrum than females with a size which is 10% bigger than that of females. A few inquires about have demonstrated that there is a relationship between's the size of the mind and scholarly capacities. The malesââ¬â¢ cerebrums have more cerebrospinal and white issue than the minds
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Look At Picasso Essay Example For Students
A Look At Picasso Essay Picassos Guernica is novel and not at all like some other photo or painting of a recorded war scene. Verifiable photos show scenes and catch minutes in time, however when seeing them an immaterial divider exists between the watcher and the photo. The contrast among photos and unique artistic creations is that the painting permits the watcher to get through the divider and really experience the sentiments and feelings communicated in the artwork. We just observe what we take a gander at and to look is demonstration of decision. (Methods of Seeing 8) The picture takers method of seeing is reflected in his decision of subject, they are giving you what they need you to see. (Methods of Seeing 10) Photographs are taken for an explanation; there are numerous different edges or different scenes a picture taker can browse and it is dependent upon the photographic artist to choose which one the watcher sees. Generally, the watcher just observes one part of the picture caught with the focal po int of the camera. For instance, when just the leader of a figure is obvious in an image which bids to visual thinkingas recognized, for instance, from a news photo which many utilize the feeling of sight only to illuminate us regarding what went on in a certain placethat figure is consistently to be viewed as being inadequate. (Arnheim 11) The eye can't proceed past the fringes of the photo and the completeness of the image is lost. In a work of art, the craftsman has painted the entirety of the components to be seen at the same time. The onlooker may require time to look at every component of the work of art however at whatever point he arrives at a resolution the synchronization of the entire artistic creation is here to converse or quality his decision. (Methods of Seeing 26) A work of art keeps up its own position, the artwork doesn't catch transitory appearances it makes its own. In doing so the watcher turns into a piece of the work of art, when the watcher steps from the canvas he is not, at this point an impact or a piece of the artwork. Canvases can not be found in two places simultaneously, when the camera recreates an artistic creation, it obliterates the uniqueness of its picture. (Methods of Seeing13) The uniqueness is wrecked in light of the fact that the artwork presently goes to the observer rather then the onlooker to the composition. The watcher, sees it in their environmental factors and it is affected by their environmental factors. (Methods of Seeing 19) The genuine significance of Picassos Guernica is lifted out of existence organizes in the common war to turn into a summa on all wars and all casualties. (Nash 17)On April 26, 1937 German planes dropped bombs on the town of Guernica and caused numerous regular citizen losses. (Bar 200) When news arrived at the world, open objections stir in light of the fact that the town was the first ever to be besieged so as to scare a regular citizen populace. (Achievement and Failure 166) In January of 1937 Picasso was dispatched by the Spanish Government to paint a wall painting for its structure at the Worlds Fair in Paris. He played with the subject of the Spanish Civil War yet after the besieging happened, he was affected to paint about the episode. (Arnheim 18) His first sketch was done on May 1, 1937, only 34 days after the fact Guernica was finished. (Mallen)Guernica was a remarkable painting for Picasso to make since he ne ver needed to be impacted by the outside world. History specialists contend that Guernica is simply the exemption and Picasso permitted him to be impacted and communicated his perspectives. This suspicion has urge history specialists incline to look for political inspiration in show-stoppers to peruse Guernica as Picassos explanation on the issues of the Spanish common War. (Chip 69) It is realized that Picasso was a craftsman who took a stab at keeping away from any social obligations. Quite a while companion, D.- H. Kahnweiler frequently expressed that he was the most unopinionated man he had ever known. (Chipp 6) Picasso spoke with an American journalist once and expressed, I have not painted the war since I am not the sort of painter who goes out like a picture taker. In any case, without question the war is in these works of art I have done. (Nash 13)When the watcher strips away the entirety of the policy driven issues related with Guernica, it is a painting about how Picasso e nvisions enduring; and in it he is painting his own enduring as he every day hears the report from his own nation. (Achievement and Failure 169) Guernica doesn't influence the work of art, the artistic creation impacts Guernica. Or maybe then re-make a heartbreaking occasion he had not in any case seen, he was looking for a theme of individual centrality that would pass on the force of his sentiments about all that he was responding to. (Chip 71) Guernica is a somewhat unpredictable blended arrangement of feelings felt by Picasso, he himself has considered the artistic creation an allegorybut never completely clarified the images he had utilized and this is likely on the grounds that they have an excessive number of implications for him.(Success and Failure 167) On one degree of Guernica, Picasso discovered a portion of his emotions through the exhibition occasion of bull battling. (Chipp 46) As a kid Picasso was captivated by bullfighting, a national diversion in his nation of orig in of Spain, and developed to appreciate the custom. Bullfighting may move fiercely in the bullring from a festival of human imaginativeness, aptitude, and mental fortitude to the hopelessness of a severe passing in the fields bloodied sands. (Chipp 47)When Picasso made his first sketch of Guernica, he related the primary idea to the main second in the bullfight when there are no victors, just casualties, the corrida. The corrida happens when the bull is lured to assault the pony and keeping in mind that the bull guts the pony, the picador drives his spear into the bulls stressing neck muscles. For the bull this implies despite the fact that he is getting a charge out of a snapshot of blissful delight, he is likewise enduring grave harm to his offensives capabilitieshis incredible neck musclesthat will make him an increasingly prepared casualty to the bullfighters blade in the last demonstration. (Chipp 50) The brutality of the bull-horse battle is a great visual simple of the miser y of the human survivors of Guernica just as that of the Spanish individuals, isolated and secured a self-destructive common war while reeling under the attacks of remote intruders. (Chipp 71)Another part of Guernica that communicates enduring to the watcher is that the pony is portrayed without a peto. A peto is a cushioned coat that the pony is legally necessary to wear so as to help facilitate its affliction. Under the steady gaze of 1927 when this law became effective, the two creatures were destined to bite the dust in the ring and consistently endured extraordinarily during the experience, consequently giving the principal demonstration of the corrida a piercing part of suffering.(Chipp 50) This part of enduring may have been utilized to represent the vulnerable enduring that was suffered by the individuals of Guernica. Costa Rica EssayAll three pictures share a repeating theme, they all have a high stun worth and show that genuine good limits have been crossed. Specialists have constantly communicated through drawings, works of art, or photos with the goal that when something comparative happens, it tends to be brought into the open eye for reflection and addressing. The conversation on Picassos Guernica and Goyas Disaster of War prints, shows the part of how works of art catch the watcher and brings them into the picture. It likewise presents the distinction among Guernica and the Disaster of War prints; mostly that Picasso painted the scene so it would live out in the watchers mind while Goya solidified scenes in time. The banner And Babies?, while still a comparable scene to that of Picassos and Goyas artworks, restrains the watcher from entering the picture. A divider exists that prevents the watcher from being immersed by the photo. The work of art is a finished sentence, while the photo is feeling the loss of an action word or a thing hence rendering it a deficient sentence. Picasso once composed on the detachment among artistic creations and photos, one essentially paintsone doesnt glue ones thoughts on a work of art, if the painter has thoughts, they come out of how he paints things. Picassos Guernica is really extraordinary in light of t he fact that he was just painting and not sticking thoughts or freezing time like Disaster of War And Babies?.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
White Out COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
White Out COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I am not a meteorologist and I rarely watch local television news (I prefer the PBS NewsHour), however my highly unscientific observation is that it has snowed a great deal in New York City in the past month seemingly more than any other year that I lived in New York City. Normally after a storm the snow will entirely disappear after a few days, however one storm has followed another week after week and the city has thus been perpetually covered in snow for over a month. I posted some pictures after the blizzard that hit the day after Christmas and a few readers mentioned they liked the pictures. It snowed yet again on Wednesday night and I took some more pictures on the way in to work Thursday. Some of these were taken with my Blackberry so they are not the best quality, but I hope you enjoy them anyway. The main gate at 116th and Broadway has some statues and they were fashionably snowed on. The trees on the main walk were pretty with the snow covering the branches. Later the snow becomes pretty alarming when the temperature warms up and the snow crashes on top of unsuspecting pedestrians. These are the same bikes I took a picture of last time, and I do not think many of them have moved. Those of you that have visited the International Affairs Building might be familiar with the fish bowl that is a part of the main lobby. It was covered in snow . . . . . . and later on there were some SIPA students exhibiting joint cooperation by making a snow man to watch over the fish bowl.
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